Welcome To The Make Your Own Blog Or Website Tutorials

null You’ve got a lot to say and a lot to share, why not start your own web log (also known as a ‘blog’)? Or, how about a website?

This set of tutorials will give you the basic skills needed to start a simple blog that you can publish and update as you wish, on anything you want to talk about.

A little later on I will show you some skills I have learned that allowed me to make this and other websites (I have a bunch of them), and to give you the chance to work with me on making and improving your own sites.

Think this is a bit beyond your skills right now? Maybe, but in the meantime if you can’t wait to have your own website, just find me in the contact section and let me build one for you. It will be far cheaper than the $2,500 I paid for my first one, and far better too.

I Built My Own Computer!

by admin on February 3, 2011

This one might be a little farther down the road than you are prepared to go, but just think how much there is to learn. In this video I describe for you all the parts, and where they go, when building your own computer.

Make Your Own Website

by admin on January 4, 2011

Well by golly you got here fast! It’s just that as I begin this process of uploading video tutorials I started with some of the topics of a more general interest like, basic computer use, working with digital photos and how to search the Internet.

I know, I know, you are anxious to build a blog. I was too. Here’s mine: BluegrassBulletin

It won’t be long before I put up a video right here to help get you started.

In the meantime, why not send me an email and tell me the kinds of things which are on your mind. Maybe I can answer them right away, but maybe I can use them to help even more people through my videos which I will post under this topic.

Here’s how you get in touch with me: CLICK HERE.