Welcome To The Basic Computer Tutorials

At first a computer can be a bit frightening. You are almost afraid to touch anything for fear that you might break it.

Then there seem to be so many things that just “pop-up” on your screen and you don’t know what to do about them. Well relax.

Though it might not seem so at first, today’s computers are incredibly user friendly. With a little experience you will be zipping along like a pro.

And don’t worry, you will make mistakes, but in all likelihood you won’t be the first one to make the very same mistake, which means that the designers have built machines and software which will virtually repair themselves.

Work your way through the tutorials, and if your skills are to the point you need to skip some, that’s okay. As we continue to build this site I will be adding new tips, based almost entirely upon the questions you send to me.

So don’t forget to click the Contact Me button up above and give me your feedback!