Welcome To Tech Talk For Old Dogs

I know, I know, you were certain that your use of a computer was permanently doomed to playing solitaire or online slots.

You have a digital camera and you love it, except that the only way you know to share your favorite photos is to show them to people on that little screen on the back.

You’ve heard people talk about Facebook and it sounds like fun, but you’re not sure how to get started, what to share or how to interact with people safely.

Every time you turn on your computer something weird pops up and you panic thinking that if you click anywhere on the screen that you might just break something.

Do you sometimes feel like you are all alone, holding up traffic at the end of the on ramp, unable to merge onto the information super highway?

Well then, this website is for you.

Look up above and find the tab labeled “Tutorials“. Look at the drop down menu.

In each of the categories you will find videos which you can watch, at your convenience, as many times as you want. You can stop, start, pause, go back and watch until you are proficient.

And, if you ever get stuck, up there at the top is a little tab called “Contact Me”. Just drop me an email, and I’ll try to get right back to you.

Over time you will learn to sit back, relax and enjoy the new age of technology with the kind of confidence you didn’t think was possible. How can I be so sure?

Because 5 years ago I was just like you. I was always calling somebody, my ‘guru’ to get me out of a jam. But, over the past five years I have learned an awful lot, and now I want to share it with you.

Pretty soon you will be cruising along, enjoying all of the wonderful new experiences which are at your fingertips, waiting for you to discover.

You will find new ways to connect with friends, keep in touch with family and learn like never before.

Who says we old dogs can’t learn new tricks? I did.

Come on, let’s get started!

Just click on the tab titled “Tutorials” up above and choose one of the categories from the drop down menu.

Come on! Let’s have fun!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

LaVon Spencer Case January 12, 2011 at 4:54 pm

Beautiful Marcus,
I would love to be able to do something like this. If you have the patience, I am willing to try.
Thank you,


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